Guidance & Resources

GCAS School Counseling & Resources

“We are no longer ‘guidance counselors’ only focused on graduation and course selection for students. We are Professional School Counselors who focus on the academic, personal/social AND career development of ALL students” – Mindy Willard, ASCA 2013 School Counselor of the Year

  • Mrs. Diane Ashley
  • At Risk counselor
  • Gadsden City Alternative School
  • Gadsden City School System

Making A Positive Impact…

Counseling at GCAS is vital to student progress. Students who have been placed in this setting have displayed behaviors that are inappropriate for the school environment. Without counseling and guidance measures there is a great chance that students will continue to display these behaviors. Dr. Donna Smoots, Mrs. Dianne Ashley, and Mrs. Cherry Taylor have been instrumental in developing a counseling program to meet the needs of our students. GCAS collaborates with the following agencies to provide group counseling:

  • Mental Health Association
  • Quality of Life
  • Career exploration/Mentoring Program

While assigned to either ISS or Alternative School Placement, students will be introduced to skills and techniques to
improve their social, emotional, and developmental needs. Speakers from various agencies present on a weekly or bi-weekly basis on the following areas:

  • anger management
  • conflict resolution
  • depression
  • peer pressure
  • bullying
  • self esteem
  • Diversity & Respect

Parent and Student Corner

helpful links and resources for you and your child

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Stop Bullying


Teen Depression: A Guide for Parents

Counselor Contact Form
