What You Should Know…
During your student’s placement at the Alternative school, the focus is not only placed on academic achievement, but also on the following areas:
- Demonstrating positive conflict resolution skills
- Demonstrating respect and tolerance in a diverse setting
- Improving self-esteem & positive decision making
- Weighing consequences & taking responsibility for personal action(s)
General Information for Parents & Students
- Students placed at Gadsden City Alternative School are assigned for a minimum of 25 days. A student must complete this requirement before a return to his/her home school can be considered.
- Home school principals refer students to the alternative school through the Gadsden City Board of Education.
- The board has established a committee that determines if alternative school placement is warranted.
- A student’s return to the home school is determined by Ebony Pearson, school administrator, and approved by the board. A student’s behavior and progress are the major determining factors.
Students may be referred to the Gadsden City Alternative School for the following reasons:
- excessive disciplinary referrals
- drugs
- weapons
- sexual acts
- threats
- fighting
- disorderly conduct
- stealing
- destroying school property
- any other infraction(s) that may be considered a 3rd level offense